Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mt KK here I come

My children told me that they were climbing Mt KK and after much consideration I too decided to take on that challenge to climb the 4.095m Low's Peak.

Upon registration, the organizer was doubtful of me. To prove my commitment, I went for a medical checkup and my doctor confirmed that I was fit but I have to prepare myself physically inspite of this, the organizer was still not convinced and had to be put to a test and I passed his test. Meanwhile, he was in constant touch reminding me of his exercise programme. Thank goodness I was obedient to his regime otherwise I would not have made it to the summit. Thank you sir.

Going up stairs for a better view from Limpohon's Gate

Bye we are our way to the summit

Two sticks are better than one

Laban Rata Resthouse

Now the adventure is about to begin

Sayat Sayat Gate rocky all the way

Tunku Abdul Raham Peak. Turn the back of your RM1.00 and you will see it there

I was exhausted not fainted and I needed a nap

It was great determination to reach the summit and upon arrival received a pat from Tan Sri Azman Hashim

Descending from the peak with showers of blessings

Finishing at Limpohon Gate. I did it!

Tan Sri Azman Hashim of Ambank was also in our group of 47 climbers. I was so amazed for his enthusiam to climb the highest mountain of Malaysia. When he arrrived, the group sang him a birthday song while I was still struggling below. I had great desire and determinaton to reach the top though I was doozing off I managed to reach the peak with the help of a very dedicated guide, Lazarus.

Tough I was very worn out myself, I saw the youngest climber, Julia Yap 10 years old trailing from behind and cannot resist to encourage this little girl to strive harder. With my eyes half closed, I said "Julia come on, you can do it" and she too dragged her little feet to the summit finally.

After a short rest at the peak, we had to descend and the weather was not with us. It was raining heavily and the track was very dangerous and cannot afford a slip and we had to hold to the rope and descend backwards. It was just a very narrow trek just sufficient for a foot to go through. Suitable and proper attire is a must. Your body must be prepared and you will have unforgettable ascent to the peak.

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