When we love we need not require that person to be around but to know that you love that person will give you completeness and that there is no necessity to reciprocate. Do not yearn but love with dignity and integrity.
Life on earth is a passing journey or to put in biblical terms - a Christian is a stranger and a
pilgrim on the earth.” and along the way there will be humps and bumps and while on them try find something that is worth keeping and treasure it until you think that it is no longer worthy to keep it anymore.
To give up hope and allow depression to over take you will be injustice to yourself. We have been given a beautiful day and living up to it gives fulfillment.
Depression eats oneself without realization and over time one will be reduced to nothing but a sea of miseries and this will affect the people around you giving them unnece
ssary anxiety due to our inability to let go instead of clinging on to something not within reach and just refusing to accept the outcome according to our human reckoning.
Life on earth is a passing journey or to put in biblical terms - a Christian is a stranger and a

To give up hope and allow depression to over take you will be injustice to yourself. We have been given a beautiful day and living up to it gives fulfillment.
Depression eats oneself without realization and over time one will be reduced to nothing but a sea of miseries and this will affect the people around you giving them unnece

As Christians we are called to walk in the light and to face reality - the rain falls on the just and the unjust and the sun shines on the good and the evil. No amount of mental reasoning can give answers to our trials and difficulties - we have to walk by faith and believe that behind all the trials and heartaches, the sorrow and the pain is an invisible God who is working all things for our permanent God.
I say this on the authority of the Holy Scriptures “All things work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
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