In other words, Adam had the power of choice and to do anything which he feels would make him happy - but God said “Adam you have to trust me to

But Adam made a horrible blunder with that choice and until today many have brought misfortune on themselves by making the wrong choices. The pathetic thing is that few people think that God had anything to do with our happiness. The Scriptures tell us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
……..and the choice to be happy is a self gratifying. The inner joy and strength give radiance which only can be nurtured. True love is free without having to ask for anything in return. That I admit is not an easy attitude to possess but one which the Master taught his followers.
In fact He mentioned these principles more than once in His teachings. “Give without expec

Behind these teachings are principles for us to live by that is to live and love as though it is done unto the Master Himself - to expect nothing in return.
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