Monday, December 29, 2008
Challenges in a Family
Even Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus had their share of struggles. The trust which is fundamental to a marriage was challenged by the pregnancy. Joseph must have felt terrible when he had to bring his wife to a stable to have the child. Living a foreign land, away from family and traditions, was far from ideal. Still, the family made it through the difficulties of their family life for one reason only; they had great faith.
The family conquered their struggles through their faith-life. This must be the primary concern of our families.
With so many single parents out there, don't waste your energy wishing that your marriage had worked out and the children could be with both the parents. It does no good to long for that which is not probable.
Instead, single parents should focus on establishing a strong family unit. What the children need is a home not things that the neighbour's kids have.
Do your best and trust in God to do the rest.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Drowned at Sea
One beautiful Sunday morning, her husband went for a boat ride with their two young kids 7 and 9 and another nephew but luck was not with him when the boat capsized.
The boatman ranaway and the father had to save 3 the kids and when he brought them to safety, he slipped into the water through sheer exhaustion and the waves carried him away into the deep blue sea and he drowned.
The mother wanted a better further for the children, decided to send the children overseas. She had to sell her house to finance the educational expenses.
Upon completion the children decided to stay back and now the poor ailing mother has to live in a retirement home. Last week while crossing the road to get some groceries was knocked down by a car and she landed on the windscreen shattering it to pieces and is now waiting to be operated on her broken arm and substained many bruises on her body.
What a life, spending all her life savings on her children in hope for a better future but it didn't happen according to her plans.
We can plan and calculate to the best of our abilities but the ultimate plan lies unknown to us.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Heal the World
My friend had a broken relationship in her marriage and this had caused herself and her family great pain. They are now heading for a civil divorce. A relationship that began with high ideals, joy and optimism has degenerated into distrust, anger, rejection and self-pity. What was once "one flesh" has been torn apart.
After three decades of marriage the husband said to her one day that he found another woman much gentler than her. It was hard for her to accept the husband departure but then again I asked her what was great about him. "Let him go. You have settled it and you cannot change it. Look away from him and leave him alone and let him enjoy his hard life if he can."
There is so much life out there. Go out and heal the world.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
New Managment Council
All our hopes were dashed when the newly elected council informed during the meeting that the management fees would be raised between 50 and 300% depending on the size of the unit.
Owners were very shocked about the sudden hike and when they questioned it, they were smacked down by the people in power just like a shuttle cock nose-dived onto a badminton court. This had created unhappiness amongst owners and some had comtemplated to seek legal recourse.
It cannot be disputed that council members serve on a voluntarily basis but compassion and the passion to serve should not be overlooked.
Financial Crisis
Recession is at our doorstops and people are depressed and Christmas around the corner.
Place your courage in God's presence, because we are sure that He hears us if we ask for anything that is according to His will. Turn now and plead with Almighty God and He will come and help you and restore you. All the wealth you lost will be nothing compared with what God will give you then.
God will show the way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see and He will make away for you. Keep your faith and perserver. Believe that tomorrow will be a better day.
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Game Of Cheating
Then one day, her husband had to travel to another country for business. When he returned he told his wife that he had fallen in love with another woman. The wife was distraught but for the sake of her two young children decided to forgive him and was again blessed with another child a few years later.
Then thirty years into the marriage he declared that he doesn't love the wife anymore and walked of the family into another woman's arms whom he claimed was gentler than the wife. Now they are in a legal tussle to settle disputed family assets. Over the years, I did realize something that she found strength and courage to face the realities of life.
As her colleague, I could sometimes see her weep over her failed marriage.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Opportunities in a Crisis
On touching down the passengers especially the locals still in the state of shock hurriedly took their baggages from the cabins above and a bag fell on one of the passengers and there was shouting and the earlier gentle flight stewardess suddenly turned into a marshal ordering all passengers to sit.
The recent attack at Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai brought back memories about my trip to India some 4 years ago about the commotion at the plane. My condolences to all the family members who had lost their loved ones tragically.
When I was confused and did not know how to cope with my personal crisis then I started to develop a personal relationship with God my Father. I know He loves me as manifested in my daily life and I love Him even more now. I know that I could trust Him if I surrender myself to His Word. As I search the Scriptures each day, many passages come alive and this had kept me going.
Praise God! I managed to look for other alternatives that give new beginnings. Today, I look forward to helping children grow in their faith each Sunday. I am like a young shoot in the house of God but with His grace He will see me through.Sunday, November 30, 2008
Disturbed Sleep
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hello....Anyone At Home?
Shocking Telephone Charges
Most of the time I need to call at least 2-3 times to get the number i am looking for one number and i need to pay RM4.00 to RM6.00...OMG. ...equal to one meal already...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Broadband Service
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Con Man on the Prowl
First Holy Communion
I was blessed with 18 wonderful kids. 14 girls and 4 boys - Abigail Choong, Andrez Dayap, Andrea Hoh, Andrea Lee, Cynthia Durai, Timothy Isaac, Joy Boh, Genevieve Goh, Laurene Lee, Nicole Ng, Natasha Tan, Jesse Ryan, Rebecca Gan, Christine Yee, Stephaneus Bismo, Bonita Fareline and Winsome and Julianne Ching (the twins).
When the bell rang, they moved gracefully down the aisle with a packed congregation and were beaming with smiles and exceitment.
Natasha Tan and Stephaneus Bismo read the Word of God carefully punctuated.
During offertory the following gifts were offered - 2 lighted candles (light of Christ), a Bible (Word of God), a rosary (devotion to our Mother Mary), 2 bouquet of white roses (beauty of God's creation), bread and wine (body and blood of Christ after consecration) and love offerings (cash for various projects and church expenses) from the congregation.
The children knelt in prayer with great reverence for God while the priest consecrated the host into the body and blood of Christ for distribution to all who were invited to receive Him.
After the beautiful Mass celebration then it was the photography session. Children, parents and guardians were all invited to a pot-luck brunch.
The mass was celebrated by Msgr. Daniel Lim and it was also his 71st birthday. Mr & Mrs Andy Choong, Abigail's parents contributed a nice chocolate cake. Thank you Mr & Mrs Choong for your generosity.
As a teacher I am glad and happy that parents and guardians were so participative and supportive of their children's faith education. Going through the records, most of the children attained more than 90% attendance. Three cheers to them and may God continue to bless His people.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Help! I Need Somebody
In a situation like this, it is recommended that counseling be sought. It may sound easy but if one don’t try one won't know. When we are physically sick, we seek medical treatment but when we are emotionally sick we fail to realize that psychological counseling is necessary.
People tend to view psychological counseling quite negatively and it is sad. Allowing someone whom you can trust to share in your struggles could help alleviate the burden off on your shoulders.
Singing Teachers
To make the funtion more lively, our Co-Cordinator book a room with karaoke facilities and we were filled to the brim and to slowly unwind, the karaoke equipment just refused to work no matter how hard the staff twisted and turned the equipment inside out.
After dinner we adourned to Red Box for a Karaoke session instead. Oldies from Elvis, Lobo, Celine Dion, Witney Houston, Anne Murray were the favourites amongst others. Mind you, the teachers had good vocal cords. I think one day, an unsung hero will emerge.
Confession - some teachers stayed on way past midnight and hope they did find their way home safely. No road blocks huh teachers.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Beware of Soft Shoes
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Life In A Forest
Though we inherited a big acreage from our fore-fathers, we still faced difficult financial times when the harvest was not in demand. However, during the festive seasons our parents ensured that we had a better spread of food. We had our own home grown poultry and a roster could weigh 7kg and the meat was very good - tough which needed much chewing. Not easy to have such meat available these days. If there is, it will be very pricy and not easily obtainable. Ironically, though they were not caged up but they knew how to return when night fell.
Nowadays, chickens are not given any walking space inside their cage and they are jabbed to be fattened and slaughtered within a specific time otherwise they become featherless.
Though we did not have full grown lobsters or caviar on toast or aged wine, but we had our family togetherness, lots of laughter, sometimes tears, but nobody could take away our “togetherness”. Oh how the years have fled – in the twinkling of an eye! I guess everyone walks down memory lane once in a while, but when I am visited by nostalgia, I have to wipe away a tear or two silently. I praise and thank God for my journey until my growth into womanhood. As I looked back, what a learning experience it has been!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday School Teacher
This year, I had 18 children (14 girls and 4 boys) who received their First Holy Communion. Only children who are baptised will be allowed to receive this Sacrement. At same time they will have to undergo some faith enriching knowledge inorder to receive it, usually when they are nine years old but there are exceptional cases where children receive it at a later age.
I like to take notice of a particular child, Andrea Lee who was in my class, she made me a very special card on my birthday. It was Father's Day and I had asked them to design a card as best they could for their dads and I playfully mentioned that it was my birthday too.
At the end of the session, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a card from her and she wrote:-
Dear Teacher
you are the best teacher I met,
you teach every thing about Jesus,
I like how you teach me,
Thank You Very much for teaching me
Happy Birthday
You are an angel,
You are beautiful
You have a loving heart and you are kind.
Don't you think she is so reaffirming and generous in her thoughts? Kind words are sweet as honey............ yum yum
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Life is Precious
I sometimes try to imagine the personal feelings of Joseph when he was sold off as a slave by his own brothers to foreigners and was taken away into Egypt. Can you imagine his first night in Egypt, oh the pain he must have gone through on that first night. No doubt there must have been silent bitter tears shed that night. No man can capture that kind of anguish in human words - his personal trial had just begun. Isn’t it true that most of our grieves are brought about by our own family members?
His personal tragedy did not end there. Later he lands up in prison because some loose ladies falsely accused him and the man of the house – a complete Egyptian moron, believed her without proper investigation.
But through all the bitter tears, the anguish of his soul, his loneliness in a strange country longing for his father and mother, when everything seemed to be going against him, there is one verse that leaps out of the Holy Bible in reference to his life and that verse is this - “But the Lord was with him!!” That made all the difference in his life.
When Jacob was mistreated by his father-in-law and cheated on his wages 10 times - another verse leaps out in reference to his bitterness - “I have seen all that Laban has done to you!!” And that made all the difference.
Humps and Bumps
Life on earth is a passing journey or to put in biblical terms - a Christian is a stranger and a pilgrim on the earth.” and along the way there will be humps and bumps and while on them try find something that is worth keeping and treasure it until you think that it is no longer worthy to keep it anymore.
To give up hope and allow depression to over take you will be injustice to yourself. We have been given a beautiful day and living up to it gives fulfillment.
Depression eats oneself without realization and over time one will be reduced to nothing but a sea of miseries and this will affect the people around you giving them unnecessary anxiety due to our inability to let go instead of clinging on to something not within reach and just refusing to accept the outcome according to our human reckoning.
As Christians we are called to walk in the light and to face reality - the rain falls on the just and the unjust and the sun shines on the good and the evil. No amount of mental reasoning can give answers to our trials and difficulties - we have to walk by faith and believe that behind all the trials and heartaches, the sorrow and the pain is an invisible God who is working all things for our permanent God.
I say this on the authority of the Holy Scriptures “All things work together for good to those who love God and who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Our First Ancestors
In other words, Adam had the power of choice and to do anything which he feels would make him happy - but God said “Adam you have to trust me to tell you what will bring happiness. I will not trample on that sacred right. You have to ask me to tell you concerning your life on earth - both your public life and your private life. Ask me Adam and I will gladly show you.
But Adam made a horrible blunder with that choice and until today many have brought misfortune on themselves by making the wrong choices. The pathetic thing is that few people think that God had anything to do with our happiness. The Scriptures tell us “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
……..and the choice to be happy is a self gratifying. The inner joy and strength give radiance which only can be nurtured. True love is free without having to ask for anything in return. That I admit is not an easy attitude to possess but one which the Master taught his followers.
In fact He mentioned these principles more than once in His teachings. “Give without expecting anything in return” and later at a dinner He said “When you give a supper, do not invite the rich or they may repay you and you will have no reward from your Father in heaven but rather invite the poor, lame and blind they cannot repay you and you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
Behind these teachings are principles for us to live by that is to live and love as though it is done unto the Master Himself - to expect nothing in return.
Journey of Faith
After more than five decades of struggles and jubilations, at times of which I felt like walking through the valley of the shadow of darkness, and after struggling to reemerge from the deepest shadows – at hindsight I see clearly now that without God and His love I would not survived because only He saw me through.
I felt in my heart to write the journey of my life to encourage others, who are going through similar struggles on lonely journeys, unhappy marriages and a whole lot of other complex problems which weakens the soul, burdens the heart and dampens the spirit.
The urge to write on a similar level as the Apostle John wrote at the end of his earthly life. “Beloved I have written these things so that you may know that you are strong and the Word of God abides in you.”
We all need the divine hand to help us on this brief journey of life. Maybe one day He will explain the meaning of my tears and then the Scripture will be fulfilled - “And He shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Those who are sowing in tears will reap when they harvest. ”
But right now, I am in the journey of faith, and by faith I have to follow in the footsteps of Abraham when God said - Leave everything and go to the land which I will show you.”
A Loving Shepherd
All is not lost - you will walk and laugh again, meet new friends and have new experiences because God loves you and more importantly He is in the same business? “…He has sent me to heal the broken hearted and bind up - their wounds” and set the captives free.
Life has its strange and unpredictable twists and turns.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Rebuilding Through Counselling
It is a great taboo for people to seek psychological counseling compared to medical attention. This perception does not hold water anymore. By allowing someone whom you can trust to share in your struggles will alleviate the burden off your shoulders.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
First Holy Communion
The children were all beaming with smiles and exceitment and the congregation were in full union with them. Two children, Natasha Tan and Stephaneus Bismo were chosen to read the Word of God with carefully punctuations. During the offertory, the following gifts were offered. 2 lighted candles, a Bible, a rosary, 2 bouquet of white roses, bread and wine and love offerings from the congregation. The children knelt prayerfully anxiously waiting to receive our Lord Jesus at Holy Communion.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Prevention is better than cure!
After eight long years it happened again right infront of my eyes and it seemed like a wake up call for me to do something as a citizen.
We were told by the nurse that my father was very sick and that the doctors and nurses were trying to resucitate him. After a while, my father was wheeled into ICU and he was on the life support machine and was called to the Lord the following day.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Gate Keeper
However, due to traffic jam after a light shower, the meeting was delayed and it finished later than expected. So when we arrived back at the carpark the gate was locked and we called the gate-keeper through the cellphone to allow our friend to take his car out.
To our surprise, he refused to oblige eventhough a plea was made. Though the house rules did mention that the gate will be under key and lock after certain hours was acceptable due to security reasons but what we could not comprehend was his reluctance to look into our plea in a constructive way especially we are known to him.
In the end there was no other choice and our friend who stays about 30km away had to spend a night at one of our friend's house unprepared for work the following day. Where is the compassion and kindness these days.
21 Aug 2008